I <3 Notepad++

Throughout my career, I have run many developers who are die-hard fans of one application or another. When I first started, I became an emacs fanatic!  I mean, as my power user skills increased, there were so many amazing tricks I could make the software do!  So, as I learned it better, it became a […]

Casting Call – Now Auditioning…Programmers???

Auditioning.  Isn’t that reserved for performance-oriented jobs?  For people who sing, dance, and act!?  Then again, I suppose I have been in meetings before when I’ve been expected to perform. Let me ask you this, is your job performance-based?  Are you expected to hit certain objectives and milestones!?  How are you evaluated (or…how do you […]

Getting More Done – Part 4

Before my last post on this topic even went live, the other two freelancers returned their work. Task #2 – Develop Box Shot and Cover Graphics For this task, I wanted a “virtual box” of our software application developed.  There is software that does this, but I didn’t want to buy something that I might […]

The Benefits (?) of being a Lemming…

What does your day look like?  What does it really look like?  Do you make many choices?  Do you make any choices? Growing up, I had friends that always ate the exact same thing for breakfast.  Really!?  Yuck!  After two weeks of eating virtually anything I don’t want it again for a YEAR (or more)!  […]

Cruise Control

Fifteen years ago, I bought a new vehicle.  I didn’t splurge on all the options packages, but I bought something that I thought would serve me well for the years to come.  (I probably didn’t do too bad as that is still my main vehicle today.)  The truck was great.  I felt mighty on the […]

Getting More Done Part 3

The app development project was not moving in a direction that I was comfortable with.  This was a slightly complex project, and I didn’t want to commit nearly $300 to my first, outsourcing endeavor.  However, last week, I had three smaller jobs that I could easily outsource and manage.  And, as small as they were, […]

Fiverr – Getting More Done Part 2

For our honeymoon, my wife and I traveled to Mexico.  While we were there, we got to visit some of the phenomenal Mayan ruins, outside of which, are locals selling their products.  At one such place, a local man came up to us with a hand-carved piece of wood.  I wasn’t really shopping, but it […]

How many books have you written? It’s ok. Embrace YOUR voice.

I am deeply impressed by the number of books a friend has published.  Actually, this guy is incredible.  He pumps out at least one book per year and is having a blast doing it.  Not only do I admire him, but I admire the impact he’s having and the platform that these books give him! […]

Getting More Done – Introduction

I want to get more done, but I haven’t found a way to create more time.  I have my own company with talented people on the team, but they are all busy doing their job.  They are too busy to help me realize my other ideas (and our R&D budget isn’t large enough yet). Throughout […]

Honesty…a novel approach

Tonight we were reading about George Mueller with the kids.  In the story, George had just shared his calling to start his first orphanage with his church and the book went on to describe the scene.  Many people had questions (generally polite ones) that they asked to his face.  But, there was another dialog that […]

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