There always seems to be a pecking order – a way to inflate our own egos while diminishing others, even those deserving of our respect. In college, a popular saying was, “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” What an awful sentiment. Perhaps it came after a tough test, a confusing lesson, or when […]
Category: Uncategorized
Chris-Allport App Data Privacy
Last updated: March 9, 2024 At this time, this policy only applies to the following apps(s): Patch Panel When the app starts for the first time, it gives the user the opportunity to Opt-In or Opt-Out of data sharing. This information can also be reached in the Settings Panel. To stop sharing analytics data, click […]

Hearing is Easy. Listening is Difficult.
I recently heard a US Army General deliver a compelling talk about the importance of getting fuel to the front line of battle. Fuel powers our jeeps. Fuels powers our helicopters. Without fuel on the front line, our military effectiveness grinds to a halt. We need to ensure the presence of fuel at the front […]

The Interstitial Defect
Have you ever had an experience that was so profound, it was difficult to put words to it? What about when you try to explain that experience to someone – and just when you think you got the words right, the light goes out of their eyes only to be replaced with confusion? This post […]

Attention Fatigue
Surely you’ve been there. You have a complex problem to solve. You’ve done the work. You’ve already tried a several solutions. None of them have moved the needle. You vow to think about it for a day. One day becomes forever. It isn’t that you didn’t care about the problem, but a bigger problem imposed […]

Complete & Hit Send
I didn’t stop writing. Not entirely. Whenever I log into my dashboard, I am greeted by a long list of entries that I started. Rather, I simply typed in the topic – fully expecting to return later and flesh the subject out later. Some of those reminders still hold meaning to me. Some even have […]

Fun in Parenting (or Out-Maneuvering Your Kid)
“Punch buggy!” For those of you who don’t know, punch buggy is an opportunistic form of vehicle identification violence. As you ride down the road, everyone in the car looks for Volkswagen Beetles. The first person spotting one shouts “punch buggy” and accompanies the proclamation with a light (or not) punch to a slightly less […]

Boulders, Bowling Balls, Softballs and Marbles
Imagine each of these things. Different sizes, right? Right. This is how I think about tasks. Boulders are big tasks – they might even be entire projects. Much like a block of marble waiting to be sculpted, the boulder is unrefined…it has no appreciable form. The boulder represents a large unit of work that needs […]
Chris-Allport App Privacy Policy
Last updated: March 8, 2024 I respect the privacy of my users. This Privacy Policy explains how I collect, use, and disclose and safeguard your information when you use mobile applications that I have published. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY, PLEASE DO […]

A Phish Tale
This actually happened. Yesterday, I received a phishing email from someone pretend to be the chairman of a board of directors on which I currently serve. Not leaving well enough alone, I had to have some fun. And I truly hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. “Josh” Chris, I’ll […]
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