I am deeply impressed by the number of books a friend has published.  Actually, this guy is incredible.  He pumps out at least one book per year and is having a blast doing it.  Not only do I admire him, but I admire the impact he’s having and the platform that these books give him!

I’ve always wanted to write a book and, this year, set out to write a book based on my word of the year.  I developed a writing schedule and started cranking along.  Ten pages later (yeah, only 10 pages), I ran out of things to say.  I still want to write the book, a book, and clearly this was not the topic for me.

Then reality set in.

About 5 months ago, I started a new writing project.  It has been a passion project every day since I started.  I have spent hours getting things just right.  Adjusting the look.  Making sure the message is correct.  When I started this project, it was just a guess.  Something that I thought would be needed…but I wasn’t sure.  ONE WEEK later, I sold the project.

And it’s almost complete.

Once released, you won’t find this project on any bookshelf, in any library, or even on Amazon.  It won’t be distributed by any big publishing houses, but it will be a success.  You see, I have developed a software program.  This is what I write.  This is the language I understand.  And this is the medium I use to communicate things I understand.  This probably won’t reach 100,000 users, but it has already started reshaping an industry.

Not an author?  That’s okay. We aren’t all bent that way.  We all have a work to do and we all have our own strengths and talents to do that work.

Embrace YOUR voice.  Create the project YOU were meant to.