On Laziness

I have a general disdain for laziness.  Unfortunately, that’s a rather general statement borne of mental…well…laziness.  I suppose I could have picked a better word.  On the other hand, this article isn’t exactly compulsory. Remember when you were a kid and would walk all over the house looking for your mom to ask her to […]

Revealing My Secret Identity

[This is my manifesto.  My exposure.  These are the things that I think about and, as a result, things I write about.  If any of this resounds with you, I hope you’ll come along with me for the ride.] By day, I am a super hero.  I quickly shrink files with the click of my […]

Today’s Irony

I was suckered…or at least…maybe I was.  Last year, I gave to a charity that appealed to me on an emotional level.  However, as more appeals arrived throughout the past year, it seemed as if they were appealing to the precise emotion that got me to respond in the first place. The emotion was not […]

The Power of Face-to-Face

A couple of years ago, I was leading a huge project.  We had an immense amount of work to do and a very short period of time to accomplish it.  My little team was forging new ground and executing highly detailed procedures on massive amounts of data…and the process could not be automated. We scheduled […]

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